These days it's sunny and the temperature rises. In the morning dawn clear and bright. They begin to feel the first birds to sing. In about a month will be reborn and all spring, but I wonder if they are ever born. Despite the clear skies, despite the evident progress of my favorite season after the winter, despite a pound is gone from my body, I do not feel anything. It 'a bit' that I no longer listen to music with words, why do not you find my state of mind in any sentence. I float between a night and another, between people and between all these objects that seem not to exist, it seems that they do not mean anything. It seems all that means nothing.
While walking, I feel my body swaying as if he were hanged from a tree that I planted and I have taken care all this time.
provcato The only thing that has a little interference in this life was to plant the following statement:
Love is love for some things, particularly those which you feel missed.
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