Monday, February 7, 2011

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audiometrics test and newborn hearing screening tests ( I) And now

In last few days we noticed that Ada begins to use speech to express their moods by changing the intonation and the syllables as you want to convey. Yesterday, for example, the soup was too hot for his taste and gave him a good boos da-da-das in Alberto. Appears to understand the function of language! Although good because lately their collaboration in the audiometrics test is under minimum and it is very difficult to establish their hearing thresholds to achieve optimal adaptation audioprotètica.

About audiometric, some days I want to explain what are these and other tests. I will focus on the case of Ada, but you can find more information about this Catalan Society of Otolaryngology and Pathology in the cervical and Protocol for early detection, diagnosis, treatment and monitoring Neonatal hearing Department of Health of the Generalitat of Catalonia. These tests are vital for deaf children (according to WHO, the incidence of severe and profound hearing loss is 1 / 1000 infants alive, and if we add the moderate hearing loss incidence is 3 / 1000) can receive the necessary attention from its arrival in the world and develop their abilities to the maximum hearing and language.

Returning to Ada, the same that caused the premature deafness also allowed it to be diagnosed very early (until last year, screening au ditiu universal newborn was not mandatory in Catalonia and the average age of detection of hearing loss ranged from 20 to 36 months). Our daughter, born just 23 weeks and 5 days of pregnancy, had suffered episodes of hypoxia-anoxia (lack or reduction of oxygen to the cells or tissues) and hiperbilirubinèmia and therefore considered a newborn at risk suffer from hearing loss, why did you apply the above screening. The day before discharge, underwent the technique of auditory brainstem evoked potentials automated (PEATC-A), which recorded the electrical activity of the auditory nerve and auditory pathway to the brainstem using electrodes colleague positioned on the skin. The test ends automatically when the response is detected or after a certain number of signals, if not found. It is an objective technique not the result of which depends on the child is sleeping, sedated, or no attention. The Ada did not give any answer to these first PEATC-A nor they did after one month to confirm their deafness.

To establish the degree of hearing loss, but must go further, since this test only reach 35-40dB (Normal hearing is between 0 and 20dB, and 40dB to the hearing loss is considered mild). Thus, we otorrinolaringòleg cited after three months to bring Ada to the technique of steady-state auditory evoked potentials (PEAee) and acoustic otoemissions. The time interval was due to the need for our daughter weighs at least 5.5 kg (left the hospital with 2.2 kg) and also contemplating a possible auditory maturation. On 4/28/2010, we went to Saint John of God with fasting for 8 hours in Ada and, after sedation, we did the tests indicated. In appearance, the procedure of PEAee is the same as that of PEATC-A, but the steady state with great accuracy to determine the threshold of hearing. We had psychologically prepared for a profound deafness, so we were very happy to know that Ada "only" had a moderate-severe hearing loss from 70dB and responded. The results of this test, the otolaryngologist was the prescription of hearing aids a few months after lead us to CREDAV Jordi Perelló Sabadell. This resource center for hearing impaired depends on the Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia, among others, provides assessment and audiològica audioprotètica, therapy and care.


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