Friday, March 18, 2011

Python Is Not Recognized

This morning I had breakfast with a yogurt (50 calories), and a cup of tea and milk (10 calories). I had lunch at school and my first day of dieting has failed miserably in a ham sandwich with as many as 300 calories. So far have 360 \u200b\u200bcalories. No . No . No .
Back home, prey to nervous , I slingshots on some products that my "mother" had brought home and I just threw them in the toilet, because I was bothered. When he came home, opened the fridge and she noticed food missing, so came looking for me, I deduced from his step now that he had a hysterical, as usual. He told me that I'm spoiled, I'm crazy and possessed. He said he was sick of me and who does not want help, do not matter anymore that I go by the psychologist and psychiatrist. All this, I can accept it quietly, but then started to bring up my dad, saying that "I respect him because I throw his money in the process," his citation. I speak with my father every day, and he knows I have never yelled at because he understood that I am sick ... felt like eating if I see something I throw it down the toilet, even if inside I suffer for it. It 's a compulsive attitude, and behavior are difficult to suppress, to deal with, to understand and especially to live with. But this woman does not understand it. So I pull out the snake in there me and say in a very frank it like it is: you crack envy because my father wants me very well, we talk every day for hours, he treats me like I was a princess-though I do not deserve at all-and My mother tried to have peaceful relations but that does not go beyond the formality, and she founded and still in love with him, escaped, and has done well, not stand it anymore. Now it's up to me to live with ... my dad says he feels guilty about it, but then I think I can deal with.
I wonder if because of this fight tomorrow night I'll be at home on punishment rather than going to the party. Maybe deep down I hope it happens. I prefer to stay in my room, reading a book. ribatterò No, I do not rebel. I will just use the only method of communication I have with my "mom" slam the door in the face.
I just do not eat. It is fun to see the food, see the gain of My father, with the water being sucked into that hole ... but it's stronger than me. I'm also taking a drug for this, but apparently not enough.

I'm sorry dad.


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