Saturday, March 5, 2011

Bernard Picart Copper Engravings

Mens sana in corpore sano

A healthy mind in a healthy body.
[pre-recorded laughter]

Today I left the school at 10.00, at 11.00 because I had an appointment with a psychiatrist who works with my psychologist. I was prescribed Prozac. For some 'days do not take more laxatives, because I have the feeling of being able to throw up everything he ate, although it is always the fear that something will remain there and be absorbed by my body. All yesterday I was afraid of collapsing, but eventually I managed to resist until the evening.
Thursday I went to dinner at my grandmother. Was there and also my aunt who lives in Milan, and here is a couple of times a year.
When he saw me, he was going to cry. Meanwhile, I still do not understand. I ate everything I was offered, though in small quantities. Then, for the first time I threw up in people's houses. I asked to go to the bathroom and, as if it were the most natural thing on this earth, have rejected the whole dinner.
I felt guilty, and I'm sorry you did. But it was too much for me: I could never bear to keep me inside all that stuff.
I cried, but I could not.
"Keep the tears for later," I say.
Once alone, however, is only my silence. The vacuum that I created to make room for something else .


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