all you ask in what way ... The Frog Factory
Here's the "Frog Charte"
FACTORY is a co-creative eclectic French-Italian.
because Eclectic range of the various forms of expression, preferring literature and graphic arts, but without precluding the opportunity to exploit others.
His cultural references are different, taking advantage of the wealth of ideas and experience that comes from the comparison between the formation of both French and Italian companies.
cooperation because it works for comparison and compensation, the creative process advances to the merger of ideas and not to fight them.
A capacitor of creative energies. The Frog
no limits, collect all sources of inspiration, ideas and contributions, keeps them and grow until their maturity to a new project. From a nucleus of two fundamental entities, it reacts to external forces, evolves, and pressed blends of stone and if it goes into hibernation and just because it expects a good time to wake up. One way
footprint Frog wants to be crucial and visible in any activity to which he devoted himself. Like a couture gown can be recognized by the stylist cut, the activities Frog wants to be recognized for the style and attitude with which it is conceived. Frog's intention is to maintain the spirit of empathy and active and equal participation in all its manifestations.
On the girls (and all children in general).
Frog seeks to recover the imagination and the taste of dreams, want to believe that everything is possible in one way or another. He wants to get rid of the constraints that follow us from childhood, there are no games for girls "or play" for boys ", there is only the free expression of their aspirations.
Frog of course does not discriminate, because it is attentive to the female part, but is open to anyone willing to listen.
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