Why the frog ... Frog Blog
Simply because they say in French Frog Grenouille, and apart from the sound of this nice funny word its etymology brings us back to the very essence of The Frog Factory.
Grenouille is actually a compound word, which was written centuries ago, Green-Nouillle that silly green, then become
Greennouille and finally, the word that we all know: Grenouille, translated into Italian in a somewhat uncertain in Rana, but surely taking us back to
sound from our animal fetish "rrruaaa rrruaaa-na-na .... "
silly green instead back to the times where we still felt that the toads were nothing but the wonderful prince disguised
and consequences of the frogs could not be more than one princess desperate for a husband for life.
arrive at the age of 18 years this' last left their country to go into the woods and darkest depths of the earth, where he lived there
the most evil witch of all witches, only to know the magic formula to transform them into beautiful emerald green frogs. The princesses
suffered irreversible processing and for this they were insulted and humiliated by the whole kingdom, forced to leave their village with a sign around her neck on which was written the word "silly."
But our princesses were ready to suffer much more just to pursue their dream
... ... just like us!
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